Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Final Statement

     Kwaidan is a collection of japanese ghost stories that are slow moving, interesting, and very creepy. These stories are a lot different from american ghost stories mainly because they are not about the shock factor for example some crazy killer jumping out and trying to cut your head off is not what j horror is about. Kwaidan is all about the environment it puts you in and these stories like to build up the suspense and truly scare you. These stories tend to go into detailed back story of the characters and the environment. The intension of the slow moving aspect of these stories are to bring you into the story like you are experiencing what these characters are feeling and going through in order to be scared at the big moment at the end of the story. Some of the stories are better than others but all together they are truly scary in the fact that they don't try to shock you they make you think and literally creep you out. I enjoyed Kwaidan mainly because it was completely different for american ghost stories and it was not based on the surprise aspect of american horror or the ghost in the haunted house kind of story. For me the cultural aspects of these stories interest me alot more than american stories and are far more original and interesting in my opinion. The stories get into your head and describe things you would not think to be necessary but emirs you in the environment.The story line makes kwaidan much more scary than i expected. I really enjoyed this book and am now a fan of  J-horror.
     My final statement for this class is only positive. I was very excited and interested to take this class mainly because I enjoy science fiction, horror, and fantasy. With this class it broadend my horizons on movies and books in all genres that we discussed. I feel the blog was a nice way of disscusion and reflection but I myself enjoyed in class discussions more. I enjoyed having disscusions in class the most for the simple fact that we were not just talking about the reading we were talking about so much more. Overall I enjoyed the class and I am more educated in the worlds of scfy,fantasy, and horror. I will defenitly continue to find new material to read and watch in the future I think its safe to say I like science fiction, fantasy, and horror even more now that I have taken this class.

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