Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Final Statement

     Kwaidan is a collection of japanese ghost stories that are slow moving, interesting, and very creepy. These stories are a lot different from american ghost stories mainly because they are not about the shock factor for example some crazy killer jumping out and trying to cut your head off is not what j horror is about. Kwaidan is all about the environment it puts you in and these stories like to build up the suspense and truly scare you. These stories tend to go into detailed back story of the characters and the environment. The intension of the slow moving aspect of these stories are to bring you into the story like you are experiencing what these characters are feeling and going through in order to be scared at the big moment at the end of the story. Some of the stories are better than others but all together they are truly scary in the fact that they don't try to shock you they make you think and literally creep you out. I enjoyed Kwaidan mainly because it was completely different for american ghost stories and it was not based on the surprise aspect of american horror or the ghost in the haunted house kind of story. For me the cultural aspects of these stories interest me alot more than american stories and are far more original and interesting in my opinion. The stories get into your head and describe things you would not think to be necessary but emirs you in the environment.The story line makes kwaidan much more scary than i expected. I really enjoyed this book and am now a fan of  J-horror.
     My final statement for this class is only positive. I was very excited and interested to take this class mainly because I enjoy science fiction, horror, and fantasy. With this class it broadend my horizons on movies and books in all genres that we discussed. I feel the blog was a nice way of disscusion and reflection but I myself enjoyed in class discussions more. I enjoyed having disscusions in class the most for the simple fact that we were not just talking about the reading we were talking about so much more. Overall I enjoyed the class and I am more educated in the worlds of scfy,fantasy, and horror. I will defenitly continue to find new material to read and watch in the future I think its safe to say I like science fiction, fantasy, and horror even more now that I have taken this class.

Star Wars

What can I say about Star Wars other than it is my favorite series of movies. The term space opera is the best way to describe what Star Wars embodies. Epic battle scenes, light sabers, and space ships are not the only aspects of this epic journey that makes it great. There are races in the world of star wars that are seen in the movie for a short period of time that still have a great back story and information. Every detail in star wars is addressed with more than the minimum. The aspects of star wars that make it the most interesting are the small details that immerse you in the environments you are thrown in to. What makes star wars the most interesting for me is that it is about those two little droids C3P0 and R2D2 and how they see the world. They are not seen as the main characters because in a sense you and those two little droids are you the viewer. The way I see star wars is there is so much more to be explored than good versus evil and the Luke I am your father. The subtext is what makes star wars what it is without the attention to detail star wars would be another science fiction movie and not the epic space opera that this great series became and will forever be known as the greatest scfy movie of all time. In my opinion star wars may have a lot of parodies about it but that does not change the fact that this story was made into three movies and then prequels were made and there are still many questions being asked about what has happened in these epic stories. That is the beauty of star wars even after the movies there is still that sense of more information it does not end with the movies. Whether you liked the movies or not it has affected or influenced you in some way. It is such a big part of pop culture that it has been used in TV shows as well as other films, science fiction or not, star wars is apart of cinema and the people who make it and watch it. Star Wars is a story that is as long or longer than human history. This is what makes star wars this is what started the space opera this is what we thing about when we in vision other galaxies. Star Wars is my favorite movie and whether you have seen it, have not seen it, love it, or hate it you know of Star Wars.


Avatar is a science fiction that changed the way we look at movies. It is a visual masterpiece in the simple fact that you feel like Pandora is real and you are there. Jake Sully, a paraplegic marine, has just found out his brother was killed and decides to take his mission to Pandora. He is part of the avatar project were he is able to link into an avatar body that looks like the native people of Pandora the Na'vi. The humans want to mine the planet for a special material known as unuptanium. If jake gets the natives to move and let the mining begin he will get his legs back. He ends up gaining the natives trust him and he ends up becoming apart of the tribe. He ends up falling for one of the natives, Neytiri, and helps the Na'vi fight back against the humans and keeping pandora safe. At the end of the movie you see a ceremony were jakes avatar body and his human body are linked and he ends up being transfered into his avatar body for good. The visual effects in this movie were stunning and the environments and the characters were absolutey outstanding. The story was pretty good but there was one thing that troubled me about it. If you have seen Pocahontas you know what I mean. Avatar is Pocahontas with blue aliens and spaceships. The only complaint I have about this movie is the the stroy mainly because it has been addressed in many other ocassions, like Pocahontas, but that is the only aspect of the movie that I thought could be explored more. Overall the way this movie was done was amazing with breath taking landscapes of pandora, the space crafts, the mech units, the characters, and the wildlife of the crazy planet of Pandora makes Avatar a great scfi flick that will blow you away. Avatar has become one of my favorite syfy movies.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Media in five years

     From what is happening now the media is trying to control the masses or make them think that nothing is wrong and if something goes wrong they have a ll the solutions. The media is slowly creeping towards total control of the masses. I would like to quote a hip hop artist Immortal Technique from his song The 4th Branch where he says "the 4th branch of government A.K.A. the media." You see aspects of control even in pop culture now with fashion and celebrities telling what to wear, listen, two, and watch. In my opinion the media in five years most likely will be close to trying to control many aspects of our lives in five years or less. Right now the sense of control is subtle but in five years I think it will be that the media will tell us what to do for almost every aspect of our lives.
     In fifteen years who knows what the media will be like and who knows what the whole world will be like. The rate that it's going now it could go two ways. One way is that there is a event that takes place, a threat to our national security, that gives the government control over everything and tells us everything that we do such as eating, working, sleeping, living. The other direction it could go is there is an event that does the complete opposite. There is no media no news and things just happen and no one nows about it people fending for themselves. This would most likely be a revolt of the people and they take over and the cycle continues. Another way is that nothing changes and the media is still the way it is today no one knows what is going to happen. Its the question that everyone asks what if?
     In 50 years I don't have the slightest idea of what's going to happen to this planet let alone the media. If i had to say something I would say by now with what is going on the media would control us. It would tell us what to do in every single aspect of our lives. In my opinion it would become what science fiction has been portraying with controlling governments and evil empires since its beginning. Who knows what will happen to the media in 50 years who knows if there will be a society or even a place to call home. It all depends on the actions of the people.